Screen Command
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Cheat sheet.
Start and Exit
Command | Usage |
screen | Start a screen session with a window with a shell. Start a new window if already in a screen session. |
exit | Exiting the shell will exit the current window. Screen session will also end if it is the last window. |
screen <program> | Start a program within a screen window. Exiting the program will also terminate the window. |
Hot Key
Screen default hot-key is ctrl+a, then follow by a command key. Following are some frequently used command keys:
Press ctrl+a, then press one of the following keys.
Command Key | Usage |
? | Display help. |
c | Create and enter a new window. |
" | List and choose window. |
A | Change name / title of a window. |
S | Split the terminal. |
Q | Remove all split areas other than the current focused one. |
X | Remove the currently focused split area. |
ctrl+I | Cycle cursor focus through split area. |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Quick switch between window 0-9. |
k | Kill current window. |
d | Detect the screen session. |
ctrl+\ | Kill all windows and exit screen. |
Command Line Options
Some frequently use command line options:
Options | Usage |
-ls | List socket name and status. |
-D | If inside a screen session, will detach the session and terminate the terminal process with it. |
-r <socket> | Re-attach to a detached screen session. |
-x <socket> | Join a screen session. |
-S | Set socket name other than <pid>.<tty>.<host>. |
John Siu
Update: 2022-05-12